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상품 게시판 상세
제목 Brightening ampoule <3
작성자 D&#**** (ip:)
  • 작성일 2017-08-10 10:24:00
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 1061
평점 5점
This ampoule is really lightweight and effective. One bottle is 10ml and it can last for about one and a half week. Since I can use one box all together for about 2 months and it's even effective, do its job well, I think it totally worth the price! First of all, the smell is not strong at all, natural and mild. The texture is so smooth and light, it absorbs into my skin really quickly without any sticky finish. After I use it, my skin feels moisturized, fresh and it's even bright up in a good way. This brightness makes my skin look more healthy, I think. These effects are perfect combination in the summer *-* After about 2 weeks, I could experience, my small acne scars almost disappeared, they were healed faster. My skin tone also got lighter and more even than it was before. I cannot see red and darker areas on my face, so I am sure, this ampoule really had a good effect on my skin. Although I don't really know, if I stop using this ampoule, my redness and dark spots would come back or not... But now, I just really want to keep using it. It feels good on my skin. I can recommend it for everyone, mostly in the hot summer time~ ^^
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댓글달기이름 :비밀번호 : 관리자답변보기


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3991 Brightening ampoule <3 HIT D&#**** 2017-08-10 1061



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