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상품 게시판 상세
제목 I am totally satisfied!
작성자 D&#**** (ip:)
  • 작성일 2017-08-02 10:04:00
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 1072
평점 5점
I recommend this mask for everyone! I use it only 2 times a week, but my skin seems more moisturized already, than it was before. It reduced the itchy feeling i had around the dry areas on my skin. No more itchy feeling! No more dry skin! I am totally satisfied!

The mask is soft and the solution in it is silky. The smell is natural and fresh. There is so much solution inside the package, i can even pour the leftover onto my neck and hands. Although the package writes only 20-30 minutes for usage, but I usually keep it on for longer time, until the mask is almost dry. I think the length is really personal, if you have extra dry skin than the solution also soaks in faster, but on oily skin the solution soaks in much later. So it is up to you, i think...

After I take it off, my skin feel so much refreshed and moisturized, not many mask can work like this. I couldn't find any problem, the texture is nice, the smell is fresh, the effects are wonderful! My friend also loved it, although she has oily skin type. So I think it is good for every kind of skin. So much worth a try! ~~~ *o* ~~~
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5154 하이드레이션 바오밥 앰플 마스크 25ml x 10매 피부가 반짝반짝해지는 느낌이에요! HIT nor**** 2019-08-29 177
4001 하이드레이션 바오밥 앰플 마스크 25ml x 10매 I am totally satisfied! HIT D&#**** 2017-08-02 1072



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