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상품 게시판 상세
제목 High quality
작성자 Eli**** (ip:)
  • 작성일 2017-05-31 15:50:00
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 568
평점 5점
I had a chance to try both of the masks for acne skin type. One of them is a cotton sheet mask filled up with ampoule and the other one was made of some kind of gel and essence. Both of them are really nice, not only soothing my sensitive skin areas but also moisturizes well. They have many common points: smells natural, mostly like witch hazel and tea tree, if i put them on they are not coming down unlike most of the sheet masks, the ingredients are natural and both of them are effective. The difference is maybe: the cotton sheet fits for my skin better, since it moisturizes my skin deeper, but the hydrogel mask safely sticks on my skin and not moving at all, plus this hydrogel can stay on my skin even for hours, but the cotton sheet is only for 30-40 minutes (as every other cotton sheet mask)

DMCK witch hazel ampoule mask: cotton material, natural herbal smell, silky texture, not moving through the usage, deeply moisturizes my skin, calms the sensitive areas in a short time, i can wear it for about 30-40mins.

DMCK clean ac hydrogel mask: gel material, natural herbal smell, smooth gel texture, really not moving through the usage so I can even clean at home or cook something while the mask is on, calms the sensitive areas in a short time, i can wear it for hours (the gel gets thinner, but it doesn't start to dry out my skin as other masks would do after a while).
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